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Showing posts from October, 2017

About My Money...

I have always been incredibly blessed to spend the first year with each of my children. Some people say blessed means free, I say blessed means you are given what you need, like the ingredients to a just have to know what to do with them and sometimes that means putting in some hard work. You can't reap what you don't sow. When I was younger I always knew I wanted children. Now that I have 3, being a great mom is not just the blood, sweat and tears of Love. Being a Great Mom takes Patience, Consistency with Integrity, Hard Work and Dedication to leading them to tap into their own special potential for success. Plus lots and lots of Time. Over the years, I have found that while I can apply to jobs and be great in higher up administration, a supervisor and have a great ability to train people, the real Freedom to be a Great Mom is to work for myself. The issue is to do that while still providing the necessary and desired quality of life for my children. In the corp...

Full Recovery Sunday

Did you know it actually can take a year for a mom to recover from giving birth and not the 6 weeks people think is enough?? It only takes a full week to recover from a family vacation tho lol. I was playing with the video a little bit and decided I liked it. Special Sunday Edition of The Trinity Life. Enjoy!

No Sex For You!!

Sike!! Thats damn near impossible for me. Still, for some strange reason, there are people that actually think just because you're a mother of 3 or more, you avoid sex like the plague, eat birth control like popcorn or have a sex life that barely exists Once there are 3 or more children I've noticed (single) parents have a few things going on. There are those that have an Adult Toy Box and/or Pornhub pops up automatically in their browser at the most inconvenient, awkward times. Some only look forward to sex on birthdays, certain holidays and anniversaries. That's great but that also involves a whole lot of praying that ALL of the children stay healthy and dont do anything stupid in the days leading up to the big chance for some sexy time. Then there are those that attempt get it in but the struggle is real to not fall asleep during foreplay or hoping not be interrupted by one of the results of sex because one of you is a bit loud. Most of that is remedied by keep...

Know Your Place and Stay In It!!

Respect allows discipline but when you discipline without respect you're begging to get bitch slapped and dismissed. Unfortunately, the other biological half of my children tried it and my first thought was BITCH!? YOU MUST BE CRAZY!! I bet you're wondering how I got to this crazy situation in my life...Funny story. (not really but that's how they do it in the movies) When my oldest daughter was born everything was cool, her father was doing his best to be part of her life. As she got older I told him, by the time she's 5 she will understand who the important people in her life are by how consistent they are. He seemed to take that to heart and did his best. A few years later when I gave birth to my son I told him the same thing. Managing his time got a bit harder because he started working more, at first it was understandable but as my children grew up it began to be unbearable. He wasn't around as much, nor was he consistent. We had our quarrels about it, he wo...